
The Friendly Programming Language


Welcome to casper, a friendly scripting language designed to make high level programming a light and comfortable experience. This language incorporates a speech-like, easy-to-use syntax that eliminates unnecessary verboseness from the programming experience.

casper is reminiscent of Python with nuanced features and syntax designed to make its meaning as transparent as possible and make programming an entirely pleasant affair.

Code Examples

Even or Odd

boo evenOrOdd(num x):
    return x % 2 == 0

Do Twice

num doTwice(num f:(num z), num x):
    return f(f(x))

Greatest Common Divisor

num gcd(num x, num y):
    num a = abs(x)
    num b = abs(y)
    while(b > 0):
        num t = b
        b = a % b
        a = t
    return a


num fib(num x):
    if (x <= 1):
        return x
    return fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2)

First Factorial

num firstFactorial(num x):
    if (x == 0 or x == 1):
        return 1
        return x * firstFactorial(x - 1)

Two Sum

list<num> twoSum(list nums, num target):
    if len(nums) == 2:
        return [0, 1]
    list<num> ans = []
    dict<num, num> hashTable = {}
    for i from 0 to len(nums):
        num complement = target - nums[i]
        num find = hashTable[complement]
        if hashTable.getValue(complement) != none:
            ans = [find, i]
        hashTable[nums[i]] = i
    return ans

The Developers

Casper is made possible by Teddy Chu, Ian Lizarda, Donovan Moini, Alexia Filler and Serena Zafiris

We are a group of Computer Science majors at Loyola Marymount University.

Teddy Chu

Teddy is a soon-to-be graduate from LMU's computer science program, staying in Los Angeles with a software engineering job. An LA native, he can be seen about the city at all hours of the day either trying new ramen places or volunteering in fighting game tournaments.


Ian Lizarda

Ian Lizarda is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. In his free time he loves to talk about anything MARVEL and annoy Donovan as much as possible.


Donovan Moini

Donovan is currently pursuing his Bachelor of Science in computer science and a minor in philosophy. In his free time, Donovan enjoys spending time with friends, watching movies and television shows, and annoying Ian.


Alexia Filler

Alexia is a programmer, a cappella singer, tap dancer, and musical theatre advocate. She is from Chandler, AZ and enjoys returning to the extreme heat to play with her dogs. She will be working at Amazon this summer as a Software Development Engineering Intern.


Serena Zafiris

Serena is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with a minor in Animation. She is also a member of the Division 1 Women's Water Polo team at LMU. In her free time she likes to go exploring, bake chocolate chip cookies, and watch any scary movie she can find.
